2022 Kakao Pay Schedule Kit

The concept of 2022 Schedule Kit is 'One'
The kit means that after IPO, we should all work as one and move forward.
White color means the new start of Kakao Pay, and the schedules to be filled in are the new history we will make together.​​​​​​​

Its white & yellow colors, soft-edged typography in design makes the atmosphere of
work place brighter and more comfortable.

The calendar’s index enables you easily and quickly turn it over to the month you want to check. It has a double-sided structure, so it can be used both monthly or weekly calendar as one’s needs.

You can simply share your work status by hanging a card on the calendar.

There are also shape ruler and stickers included so you can decorate it to make it the ‘only one’

Now keep the writing instruments on the desk in a tray.

All paper materials including the spring of the calendar are made of eco-friendly FSC certified recycled paper. Even packages can be reused as stand file boxes.

Brand’s assets, a capsule logo, yellow color, and character IP, were applied in all designs to enhance brand experience.

Partners and Krews using this kit can feel and experience what the brand’s vision is,
and feel more proud of where we are.

Art Direction: Yang Seungdoc
Design: Kim Yeji

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