Kakao Pay Money Card

Kakao Pay is a 'techfin' company that offers various financial services, from payment, wire transfer to investment, loans and insurance based on technology. We are creating a whole new world where people can engage in finance without any concern, simply relying on Kakao Pay only.

In the current global payment environment, suspending production of plates may immediately mean suspending business of a financial company. Based on this consideration, Kakao Pay sought a way to accelerate the Walletless world through the expansion of UX that is able to connect plate design to the mobile world.

Pay money cards are custom cards for users. You can also choose the design you want and the card benefits that suit your life from the four cards.

The plate design utilizes the Kakao brand asset, Character IP, putting its full face in a humorous cropped frame. The full face card appeals to many customers with Kakao Pay's unique graphic identity.

Couple Card
Character IP. Ryan and Choonsik

The couple card has a graphic connection as if the two characters are facing each other.
You can experience joy with your family, friends, and precious people.
The background of the card is unique using the special material of the hologram.

Basic Card
Character IP. Choonsik

It is a design that emphasizes the character's individuality.
The bright color is lovely.

Pay Yellow Card
Brand’s assets yellow color were applied in designs to enhance brand experience.

This card is automatically registered in the Kakao Pay service upon online application and issuance, so you can pay through the Kakao Pay service without even waiting for the plate delivery. By designing such card experience, Kakao Pay contributes to arrival of a Walletless world.

Art Direction: Yang Seungdoc
Design: Kim Yeji

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