Kakao Pay Schedule Kit 2021

Kakao Pay aims to become a financial platform that anyone can access by reducing difficulties and increasing benefits. 
We help everyone to have a beneficial experience of life with our service. Our value is included in the 2021 Schedule kit.
We hope you feel relieved in 2021 with Kakao Pay and filled with comfort in daily life.


Make it easier to use and personalize. We made efforts to protect the environment by using eco-friendly FSC certified paper and calendar rings that anyone can easily separate.

The capsule-shaped BI symbolizes the condensation of the beneficial elements we need. We put together the necessary financial services to make our daily lives more convenient and beneficial. It means brand-oriented value as a living financial platform. Like the benefits of Kakao Pay in a round capsule, we are going to fill with comfortable days in 2021.


You can decorate the cover of note by putting the enclosed deco card or your own photos to the pocket as you wish.

for daily planning and task management.

Sticker. Deco card. Yellow ​​​​​​​Highlighter
Adding the pleasure of writing with cute kakao Friends, NINIZ character stickers, and *investment weather stickers.
; *Investment weather is an image that shows the risk of investment in Kakao Pay investment service.

Using washed nylon to waterproofing and contamination.
Easy to carry.

Art Direction: Yang Seungdoc
Design: Kwon Kiryun

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