Kakaopay, The First

Kakao Pay has been successfully listed in KOSPI market as the first *techfin company in Korea.
Along with the IPO, the ‘Kakao Pay, the First’ event was also conducted to deliver our brand value and achievement to investors and users. During the event, we have emphasized our meaningful numbers including ‘1’ to show our growth and vision.
Ryu, the CEO of Kakao Pay, also appeared on a famous TV show and introduced the meaning of ‘The First’. On the day of IPO, we tried many new promotional activities at KRX exchange, giving participants and press a strong visual impact and positive experience.

*techfin: technology leading finance unlike fintech

Art Direction: Yang Seungdoc
Design: Park Juhyun, Shin Chaerin, Lee Juwon​​​​​​​

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