Kakao Pay Private label credit card

Kakao Pay is a 'techfin' company that offers various financial services, from payment, wire transfer to investment, loans and insurance based on technology. We are creating a whole new world where people can engage in finance without any concern, simply relying on Kakao Pay only.

Kakao Pay has created a booster that will realize a Walletless world - ironically, with a credit card plate that is cute enough to be kept in the first holder of your wallet so you would like to take it out as often as possible. In the current global payment environment, suspending production of plates may immediately mean suspending business of a financial company. Based on this consideration, Kakao Pay sought a way to accelerate the Walletless world through the expansion of UX that is able to connect plate design to the mobile world. 
This is the overarching idea of our new mobile payment UX design offering convenience, entertainment, and marketing information not available in the plate platform.

The plate design utilizes the Kakao brand asset, Niniz Character IP, putting its full face in a humorous cropped frame. The full face card appeals to many customers with Kakao Pay's unique graphic identity. It also applies a special ink that can provide a soft touch realizing the subtle characteristic touch of each character. In addition, we expanded our creativity in various ways such as photography and motion in order to have the color and texture stand out.

Such antics of the square created based on in this consideration comes alive in the app service. Among other static cards registered in Kakao Pay, it shows a unique presence with friendly and funny facial movements, mesmerizing the customers to be selected for payment. The marketing information included in the animation makes it even harder to shift attention to other cards.

The booster towards a Walletless world is turned on. This card is automatically registered in the Kakao Pay service upon online application and issuance, so you can pay through the Kakao Pay service without even waiting for the plate delivery. The living experience of card design and card payment are all available on mobile first, before the plate!

By designing such card experience, Kakao Pay contributes to arrival of a Walletless world. 
Let’s go Walletless!

Art Direction: Yang Seungdoc
Design: Ji In, Kwon Kiryun, Lee Juwon
Production: Samsung Card

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