Pangyo Krafton Tower

When entering any LINE corporation office around the world, the space should be instantly recognizable. The location may be different, but each office should feel familiar, so employees are able to move around and conduct their daily activities with ease. Similarly, for clients and guests, when they visit an office, they should be greeted by a consistent image, showing that each office is a part of a seamless whole. That’s why we developed this office branding guide, to clearly present the branding components, business principles and cultural elements that create our uniquely LINE working environment. All LINE offices need to follow these guidelines in order to ensure a unified identity that maximizes the impact of the LINE brand.

For us LINERs, LINE offices are more than just work spaces. They are ambassadors for our company, a realization of what LINE represents. We want our offices to be like a second home, a community where LINE employees exchange information, enjoy themselves, work hard and are able to realize their full potential.
There are three core values of LINE Office.

1.Human-Friendly: A comfortable working environment for users and a space for communication and cooperation.
2.Interaction: An interactive, flexible, and future-oriented space.
3.Flexibility: A flexible space that naturally blends work and rest areas.

LINE uses 7 Icons to present the company and present a unified image to the world. These items mus t be present in ever y of ficee to properly convey the LINE brand value.

1.Company Logo:
Only use the company logo, not LINE Chat app icon. The position of the Company logo may vary depending on the office space, however, it should be placed in a visible place. The size of the logo can vary to best fit your office space, however, it must not be too small.

2.Multiscreen Display
Multiscreen display should be placed in a prominent position where everyone can see.

3.World Map, World Clock and Mission Statement
Our mission is not just a message for our guests but also a core concept that all employees should keep in mind. Therefore, it should be placed in a prominent position where everyone can see. These elements can be presented physically or replaced with multiscreen displays.

4.Statue : Mega Brown
Brown is one of the most beloved LINE characters. The Mega Brown statue should be placed somewhere guests can easily appreciate while not blocking the flow of people.

5.Meeting Rooms
The designations given to meeting rooms should be simple and clear, so LINERs can easily access any meeting room in any LINE office. In addition, all meeting rooms should use a digital booking system to ensure accessibility and efficiency.

Frames revitalize line office. The right piece of work needs to be placed in the right place.

Signage should be simple and clear, so LINERs can easily understand.

Art Direction: Yang Seungdoc
Design: Kim Jihan, Choe Hyeona

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